
Friday, March 4, 2016

Mitt dripped mayonnaise on a new pair of chambray Dockers

Upon returning, astronaut Scott Kelly measured two inches taller. This is due to his vertebrae not being compressed in a low-gravity environment. And the fact that he started wearing heels. –James Corden
Mitt Romney this morning made a televised speech in which he went all in after Donald Trump. He called him a phony and a fraud. He said he's playing the American public for suckers. I haven't seen Mitt this fired up since that time he dripped mayonnaise on a new pair of chambray Dockers. –Jimmy Kimmel
Chris Christie was asked today about his vacant expression during Donald Trump’s Super Tuesday victory speech, and told reporters, “I wasn’t anything other than happy.” Well, if that expression means you’re happy, then my wife was thrilled when I forgot her birthday. –Seth Meyers

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