
Saturday, June 25, 2016

Just plead ignorance. You can prove that. (the guy from the pennies)

"This is the latest: While on vacation, President Bush, I guess this was in the paper today, reportedly is reading a book about Abraham Lincoln or as President Bush calls him: the guy from the pennies." --Conan O'Brien

"As you know, when President Bush is down on his ranch, he likes to spend his time clearing brush and chopping wood, because no matter how much legislation you pass to cut down trees, there's nothing like destroying them with your own hands." --Jay Leno

"I don't want to say that President Bush's approval rating is low but the Republican party has a special offer now for any donor who paid $10K in the past to have their picture taken with President Bush. Now for $20K they'll destroy the picture." --Jay Leno

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