
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

I think President Bush is truly fascinated by bright, shiny objects

"Here's one of those philosophical questions. If  Fred Thompson stopped campaigning, how could you tell?" --Jay Leno

 "One year from today, we will swear in a new president of the United States. How about that? And, as Hillary Clinton likes to say, 'Whoever she may be.'" --Jay Leno

"In Saudi Arabia last week,  President Bush was criticized for doing a little ceremonial dance with a sword given to him by the Saudi prince. A lot of people thought the president was pandering to the Saudis. To be fair, I don't think the president was pandering. See, I think President Bush is truly fascinated by bright, shiny objects." --Jay Leno

"Are you folks worried about the economy? Stock market crumbling. Everybody's crazy about this. Don't worry.  George W. Bush says he's got something in mind to give it a shot in the arm. And if that doesn't work, Cheney is going to give it a shot in the face." --David Letterman

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