
Thursday, June 30, 2016

adjustment to his poster from "Change" to "Ka-ching!" (giant pile of garbage)

It's hard to believe that there are only seven months left in the Obama presidency. You never know how much you're going to miss a guy until you see the options. –Stephen Colbert
A lot of people are wondering what Barack Obama will do after he's president. I read today that he is thinking about becoming a venture capitalist in Silicon Valley. So, evidently, Obama is going to be going for the cash. Good for him, but he may have to make a slight adjustment to his poster from "Change" to "Ka-ching!" –Stephen Colbert
Trump is making a real effort to appear more presidential these days. Yesterday, he went to a Pennsylvania recycling plant where he unveiled part of his economic platform. And instead of wearing his trademark baseball cap, he stood in front of a giant pile of garbage. –Stephen Colbert

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