
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Support the Truth (That's Troops!)

"Tom DeLay is giving up his seat. Well actually, he's not giving it up, he's selling it to the highest bidder on eBbay. He said he wants to spend more time taking illegal campaign contributions from his family." --Jay Leno

"A new book about Laura Bush claims Laura was reported being very critical of how Hillary Clinton decorated the White House. But, Bill Clinton didn't care what the furniture looked like. You gave him a desk and a chair and he was happy." --Jay Leno

"Indicted former Republican majority leader Tom DeLay announced he is resigning from Congress and he will not run for re-election. People were shocked. A Republican with an exit plan? They say this will be the first time Tom DeLay actually takes a vacation he pays for himself." --Jay Leno

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