
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Values, also floor mats and wet wipes...

"President Obama invited a rapper to the White House on Wednesday. The right-wing feigned outrage machine is apoplectic that the rapper Common was invited to an evening poetry, or as they call it, black-on-black rhyme. Sarah Palin tweeted one of her brain farts. She said, 'Inviting Common to the White House lacked class and decency,' and that's why her children are only allowed to make babies while listening to country music." –Bill Maher

"Newt Gingrich made it official: he's in. Not in the presidential race -- in a trivia book called 'Whatever Happened to Last Century's Biggest A**holes?'" –Bill Maher

"They say the key to Newt Gingrich's campaign is going to be his third wife, Callista, who used to be the mistress. For six years while he was married to his second wife, she blew him in the car. The theme of their campaign: values. I'm not kidding. Values, also floor mats and wet wipes." –Bill Maher

John Hulse: The Best and Worst Job I Ever Had

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