
Monday, June 18, 2018

Or, as George Bush calls it, 'the feel-good comedy of the year.' (We like the real thing!)

"It is Oscar weekend. Among Best Picture nominees is 'Letters from Iwo Jima,' which is a gut-wrenching tragedy about an army sent to die in a hopeless cause by a fanatical government. Or, as George Bush calls it, 'the feel-good comedy of the year.' Up against that is 'The Queen,' the story of a woman born to rule, but hated because she is unable to show human emotions. Which Hillary Clinton calls 'the feel-good comedy of the year.'" --Bill Maher
"You all ready for the Oscars? Al Gore is expected to win for his documentary on global warming. I hope he includes President Bush in the acceptance speech. I mean, without President Bush, we probably wouldn't have a lot of this global warming." --Jay Leno
"Al Gore said today that by the year 2015, it will be so hot that the relationship between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama might actually start to thaw." --Jay Leno “A magisterial collection. An emotional roller coaster. Soon to be a cult classic. A combination of Bukowski’s Last Night On Earth and Orwell’s 1984.”

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