
Thursday, June 20, 2019

What's your secret? I mean, your other secret (at least the trains will seem fast)

President Trump announced plans this week to help people who leave prison find jobs, as opposed to his current program where he gives people jobs, and then they go to prison. --Seth Meyers
O.J. Simpson joined Twitter this weekend. And I know -- I know this is the wrong take, but he looks terrific. I mean the dude's 71. What's your secret? I mean, your other secret. --Seth Meyers
Lawmakers in New York State have reportedly resumed negotiations on a stalled bill to legalize recreational use of marijuana. I guess if everybody's high, at least the trains will seem fast. --Seth Meyers
During an interview yesterday, President Trump asked his chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, to leave the room, after Mulvaney coughed while he was speaking. Which is weird, but at least it explains why Melania started smoking unfiltered Pall Malls. --Seth Meyers “A magisterial collection. An emotional roller coaster. Soon to be a cult classic. A combination of Bukowski’s Last Night On Earth and Orwell’s 1984.”

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