
Friday, June 23, 2023

Hail to the mother f------ chief (Next thing you know, we'll be putting a man on the moon)


"There was even more good news for Barack Obama yesterday. Caroline Kennedy endorsed him in a New York Times editorial and today her uncle Theodore granted Obama his blessing [on screen: Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) saying, 'I'm proud to stand with him here today and offer my help, offer my voice, offer my energy, my commitment to make Barack Obama the next president of the United States']. What just happened to me? Did I just get inspired by Ted Kennedy? Next thing you know, we'll be putting a man on the moon." --Jon Stewart

"We can talk all night about who won the debate, who lost the debate, but I will say one thing. One of the candidates last night was much funnier than the others [on screen: When asked if Bill Clinton was the U.S.' first black POTUS, Obama saying, 'I would have to, you know, investigate more, you know, Bill's dancing abilities and, you know, some of this other stuff before I accurately judge whether he was in fact a brother. In a race where you have an African-American and a woman and John']. Obama ended, 'A white guy runs for president like this, my objective is to get to the oval office. While the brother is like, hail to the mother f------ chief." --Jon Stewart

Obama destroyed Hillary Clinton. There is no way to minimize this historic drubbing [on screen: Bill Clinton saying, 'Jesse Jackson won South Carolina twice in '84 and '88. He ran a good campaign and Senator Obama ran a good campaign here']. I believe President Clinton might be suggesting that once South Carolina went black it could never go back. Sure Jesse Jackson won but that was the 1984, 1988 primary and it was a caucus and the nominee had been decided, by my point is, they're both black guys." --Jon Stewart

“A magisterial collection. A combination of Bukowski’s Last Night of the Earth 

and Orwell’s 1984.”


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