
Friday, June 23, 2023

I'm willing to bet Big Government feels it's biggest when it's inside your **** (It's basically the Hard Rock Café of catastrophic policy decisions)

"I guess that's better than its original title, Disasterpiece Theater. It's basically the Hard Rock Café of catastrophic policy decisions." –Jon Stewart on the "Decision Points Theater" exhibit at the Bush Presidential Library

"So you remember Florida and Michigan? They held their Democratic primaries early, ended up having all their delegates stripped, not having their votes count. Remember how none of us really cared? Because we don't live there. And it's not like the race was going to be close. And those hundreds of delegates would be the difference between victory for a candidate in November and disastrous party infighting. Funny story. Now that each Democratic delegate is as precious as a Gutenberg Bible stained with centaur tears and signed by both Johannes and Steve Gutenberg." --Jon Stewart

"The Supreme Court ruling that anyone who's arrested -- even accidentally -- can be strip-searched was decided five to four, with the votes for the searches coming from the Court's five conservatives. You know -- the 'defending personal liberty' guys. Which is weird because I'm not a constitutional scholar, but I'm willing to bet Big Government feels it's biggest when it's inside your anus." –Jon Stewart

“A magisterial collection. A combination of Bukowski’s Last Night of the Earth 

and Orwell’s 1984.”


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