
Thursday, February 27, 2025

It's a sad moment for the show (Four out of five citizens love democracy!)

It's a sad moment for the show. Joy Reid is out. Of course we’re heartbroken for she provided this show with more material than a seamstress at The View. On slow news days Joy was always there to help with a racist rant. I loved her. 

Now I don't like to use hyperbole but Joy’s firing is the biggest blow to racists since the Confederacy lost. But you got to wonder how she was able to last this long. The irony of course is in her name, for did Joy bring any joy to anyone's life? I'm willing to bet no one ever said, you know I was going through a tough period in my life and listening to Joy Reid really got me through it. If anything it was their tough periods in life that that got them through Joy Reid. 

But that's the problem with MSNBC and Legacy Media. Their income was based on making life worse instead of focusing on real stuff. They created hoaxes, ones that sew division in hopelessness. 

Now, Joy’s firing came on the heels of MSNBC's parent company NBC Universal, settling a $30 million defamation lawsuit with a Georgia gynecologist. In 2020 the network reported that the doctor working at an ICE Detention Center was performing unwanted hysterectomies on immigrant women. The network called the doctor the ‘uterus collector’. I know, that was my nickname in college. Chris Hayes was one of those who peddled this story about the ‘uterus collector’ but his only proof was that his was missing. 

And yes the story sounds horrible, almost too horrible to be believed. But for people in Legacy Media who suspend Common Sense on all things Trump, it was just too good to check. It had to be true, but it wasn’t. And the tip off right away is that these hacks would actually condemn a doctor forcibly collecting uteruses. And you think the fact that no one else was reporting this might have been another clue for these great investigative journalists? 

So how far were they off? Well the judge in the case states that there’s ‘undisputed evidence has been established that there were no mass hysterectomies at the facility.’ And the doctor is not quote ‘a uterus collector’. So other than that, their reporting was perfect. So MSNBC has reportedly decided to settle up rather than risk a trial. 

But you still got to wonder how this story, this hoax, got this far? Well what was the point of the hoax in the first place? To damage Trump and his determination to finally tighten the border. They wanted to believe it was true, you know like when I told that flight attendant it was a war injury. 

The the anchors just love the idea that there was a sinister doctor forcibly removing uteruses so that these women couldn't have kids after entering the US. It's so evil, so fascist, so Trumpian. Seriously, how soon will Hollywood make a movie of that? The evil doctor could be played by Kevin Spacey and the uterus could be played by Peter Dinklage. It makes no sense. 

But again, how did they fall for this garbage? Well first, maybe they felt that if they were wrong, of course no would would check, but also any belief system is a Continuum and if you go far enough out with it you can arrive at a very bad place. Especially if you already start at a bad place, like saying Trump is Hitler. 

Joy Reid said in 2024 that if Biden were in a coma, she would vote for him. Why not, you did the same thing in 2020? Meanwhile coma patients are blinking out Morse Code for, come on guys we're not that bad! Amazing, but you can see how Joy laid the groundwork for the hoax. 

So what's left of MSNBC? Well they're replacing Joy with a three-person panel, so if it's a slow news day they can call each other racist. Which raises the other question. Rachel Maddow and the others pushed the uterus story, Reid did not. So why is Joy fired and the rest of them aren’t? Is it because they're all white? I mean here's a case where Joy can actually cry racism, and finally for once, it might be true. —Greg Gutfeld

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