
Sunday, May 15, 2016

Bush said, 'So, where's the lama?'

"Earlier tonight on NBC, Idaho  Senator Larry Craig was on Matt Lauer. Until Matt was able to push him off. The interview was conducted in Senator Craig's home in Idaho. Beautiful home. Four bedrooms, 29 bathrooms." --Jay Leno

"This past weekend, Senator Craig was inducted into the Idaho Hall of Fame. See, I don't know how these things work. Is he a pitcher or a catcher?" --Jay Leno

"President Bush met with the Dalai Lama today at the White House. Another awkward moment. When the Dalai Lama showed up, Bush said, 'So, where's the lama?'" --Jay Leno

"Presidential candidate  Barack Obama went door to door in Iowa over the weekend to talk about his opposition to the war and gain votes.  Hillary Clinton also went door to door -- not looking for votes, trying to find her husband." --Jay Leno

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