
Thursday, February 15, 2018

you might want to go with a metaphor from the world of sports (Isn't that redundant?)

"Last night marked the second Republican debate. And the main difference this time? [on screen: Fox News Channel's Brit Hume saying the debate is being sponsored by Fox News and the SC GOP]. Isn't that redundant?" --Jon Stewart

"As an aristocrat from Massachusetts -- we all know how that works out -- Mitt Romney has to go the extra mile to convince the base he's real. Watch closely as he fails [on screen: Romney saying that Massachusetts is as blue as a dark blue suit]. Mitt, if you're attempting to portray yourself as one of those rugged, salt-of-the-earth, hard-nosed conservative types, you might want to go with a metaphor from the world of sports, and not, say, from the world of haberdashery." --Jon Stewart

A magisterial collection.
An emotional roller coaster.
Soon to be a cult classic.
A combination of Bukowski’s
Last Night On Earth
and Orwell’s 1984.

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