
Thursday, October 27, 2016

Like Bob Seger, he’s against the wind (Santa Bush WMDs)

This is night two of the World Series between the Chicago Cubs and the Cleveland Indians. The Cubs have not won a World Series since 1908. The Indians haven’t won since 1948, which means it will be a very big deal if either team wins. It will also be a very big deal if neither team wins. –Jimmy Kimmel
Donald Trump was on the Herman Cain radio show yesterday criticizing, of all things, wind. He said he’s against wind turbines because they’re killing eagles and thousands of other birds. Like Bob Seger, he’s against the wind. –Jimmy Kimmel
I happen to know why Donald Trump is against wind power and I’ll tell you, it’s not because it kills birds. Donald Trump is against wind because of what it does to his hair. –Jimmy Kimmel

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