
Thursday, June 30, 2022

Write a question on a piece of paper, throw it out the window and hope for the best? (The reality I accept)

June 2022

“There is chilling fallout from the supreme court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade last week. Ever since the supreme court decided that having a child is a sacred choice between a woman and her state legislature, abortion laws have been chaos. Some states have banned abortions, others have protected it, and others have banned it only to have their courts overturn those bans until they re-ban it. So right now, women’s reproductive rights are as unpredictable as the McRib – it’s here, it’s gone, it’s here, it’s gone, it’s back again!” —Trevor Noah

“In order to enforce bans in certain states, aggressive prosecutors could use data from period tracking apps or search history to prove that women have sought an abortion. Which, first of all, is a very unhealthy practice in a relationship. You don’t search through anyone’s phone, OK? It destroys trust. Don’t do it. And also, what a shit world for women to be living in.” —Trevor Noah

“You need to use your phone for everything, especially period tracking or where you’re going to find an abortion clinic. Like how are you going to search for abortion pills without Google? Are you just going to write a question on a piece of paper, throw it out the window and hope for the best?” —Trevor Noah

“A magisterial collection. A combination of Bukowski’s Last Night of the Earth 

and Orwell’s 1984.”


1 comment:

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