
Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Will you play Chopin on a kazoo to my weasel? (Happy harmonica)

"Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, earlier tonight, down in Washington,

the annual White House Hanukkah party. I think it probably went better

than it did last year. Do you remember last year, how embarrassing it was,

George Bush hosting the annual White House Hanukkah party? And he

greets everybody as they come in and he says, 'Happy harmonica.'"

–David Letterman

A study has confirmed that eating less increases your lifespan. The study

goes on to advise the residents of Wisconsin to get their affairs in order.

–Conan O’Brien

Today, Queen Elizabeth stepped down as the patron of children’s

charities. The queen said, “I just realized I really hate kids.” –Conan O’Brien

"Computer technicians in Washington say they have found 22 million

missing emails from President George W. Bush's Administration.

And you can tell the emails are from the Bush Administration because

they all begin, 'Dear Santa.'" –Conan O'Brien

#1001Ways #RandomThoughts #poetry  


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