
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

So, ladies, prepare to get sent that fact a few thousand times this year (the flaming hot Cheetos incident)

I don't even know if it's about the disease or if it's the city saying, "don't get involved. You don't need that right now.” That's how crazy this pandemic is. We're learning that those weirdos who have sex in leather masks have been the smart ones all along. —Pete Davidson

Also it says the virus is not in semen. So, ladies, prepare to get sent that fact a few thousand times this year.  —Pete Davidson

But the craziest thing is that right after they tell you not to kiss, they immediately get into something so dirty I’m not even allowed to say it on air. So let's call them hiney smoocheroos. Seriously, I can't believe I have to sanitize the language of the health department to make it suitable for the show that brought you "dick in a box.” —Pete Davidson

They also warn you to wash up before masturbating which I already learned the hard way thanks to a flaming hot Cheetos incident. —Pete Davidson

“A magisterial collection. An emotional roller coaster. Soon to be a cult classic. 
A combination of Bukowski’s Last Night On Earth and Orwell’s 1984.”

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