
Sunday, January 20, 2019

Just because you're invisible to mirrors... (disappearing faster than R. Kelley's Facebook friends)

They send Rudy Giuliani out there to go I never said Trump's campaign didn't collude. Yes you did. You said it dozens of times. It's on video. Just because you're invisible to mirrors doesn't mean you don't show up in cameras. --Bill Maher

I hope everybody gets back to work. You know air traffic controllers, TSA agents, Coast Guard, Border Patrol. They're all working without pay, or what Trump calls running a business. --Bill Maher

Someone has to explain if our economy is doing so great how come everyone is broke. To me that’s the real lesson of this government shutdown. We found out that federal workers, quintessential middle class jobs, can't afford to miss one paycheck. I guess this is what Fox News means by getting tired of winning. When did it get this desperate. One day you're a lineman for the county, you miss a payday and you're Ratso Rizzo making coffee in a saucepan. This shutdown is not about the wall it's about the wallet, and it's more proof that the great American middle class is disappearing faster than R. Kelley's Facebook friends. --Bill Maher “A magisterial collection. An emotional roller coaster. Soon to be a cult classic. A combination of Bukowski’s Last Night On Earth and Orwell’s 1984.”

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