
Sunday, January 20, 2019

Forget collusion I want to know if there's penetration (Bone Spurskis)

We've been off for almost two months, let me put things in priority for you. The FBI we found out was investigating the President of the United States for being a Russian agent. If you remember one thing about the last two months that's it. And spoiler alert, he is. He did nothing when they told him that Russia was meddling in our elections. He fired Comey when he was looking into it. He wants to get out of NATO. He met Putin five times, that's a lot of times, in just a couple of years always with nobody around. Nobody can ever know what they're doing. Forget collusion I want to know if there's penetration. --Bill Maher

Last week last week when this story broke I saw Jeanine Pirro on Fox News. And she's like asking him the question like I have to ask this ridiculous question. She says Mr. President are you now or have you ever worked for Russia and Trump said a lot of words after that but none of them were no. Trump said that's the most insulting thing anybody ever said about me. Really? More than when Stormy Daniels said you had a mushroom dick? --Bill Maher “A magisterial collection. An emotional roller coaster. Soon to be a cult classic. A combination of Bukowski’s Last Night On Earth and Orwell’s 1984.”

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