
Monday, January 21, 2019

If they had more gold, then we would too (It's common sense)

Let me give you an example how cold it is here in New York City. You know that chicken place right around the corner? It’s so cold earlier today they were de-icing their wings. --David Letterman 1/16/2003

More and more taxis in New York City are equipped with televisions. And today I get in my cab and my god my driver is wearing a high-definition turban. --David Letterman 1/16/2003

Did you hear about this? Michael Jackson may be moving to Florida. Earlier today Governor Jeb Bush appealed for calm. Michael Jackson's house-hunting there in South Florida. He visited five places and in each house he would go out onto the balcony and dangle a kid. --David Letterman 1/16/2003

President Bush's approval ratings are at 58% They were up around 80% and they keep dropping a little bit at a time. Now this is here's the difference, do you remember President Clinton? President Clinton’s ratings never went down. His interns on the other hand… --David Letterman 1/16/2003 “A magisterial collection. An emotional roller coaster. Soon to be a cult classic. A combination of Bukowski’s Last Night On Earth and Orwell’s 1984.”

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