
Thursday, November 16, 2017

How did you get the Mongols to pay for it? (I take money from lobbyists)

"The Democrats were in Chicago this weekend for a debate at the YearlyKos Convention. The YearlyKos, of course, is the annual convention of bloggers and other online activists dedicated to furthering progressive causes. 

It is not to be confused with the yearly Cos Festival celebrating the life and works of Bill Cosby. Would the candidates speak the Kos-overs' language? 

[on screen: John Edwards saying he and Barack Obama will not take donations from lobbyists]. Yeah, no more money from Washington lobbyists! If you agree, hit the donate button on your site. 

Hillary? [on screen: HRC saying she will continue to take money from lobbyists, but will not be influenced by them.] 

So, basically, Hillary Clinton's point is yes, I take money from lobbyists because they're real people with real needs, but don't worry, I don't listen to them." --Jon Stewart #JohnHulsecollectedpoems #Bernie2020 #repealreplacerepublicans

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