
Thursday, November 16, 2017

you wouldn't hit a guy with a what, where? (Permission from Mom)

"Interesting situation out of Florida. As you may recall, last month, a gentleman named Bob Allen was arrested for offering an undercover policeman $20 to allow him to perform oral sex on said officer in a public restroom. Why is this worth a mention? 

Well, it turns out Mr. Allen is a state Florida lawmaker who authored a bill that outlawed lewd and lascivious acts in public. And he's also the state co-chair of John McCain's campaign. Ugh yeah, it's not going well. 

We're bringing it up because of the just-released audio tape of Allen explaining how this happened to the police. Allen says the real reason he offered to felate said cop for $20 is as follows 

[on screen: Allen saying, 'This (undercover officer) is a pretty stocky black guy, and there's other black guys around in the park that -- you know I am about to be a statistic here']. 

He's not gay, he's afraid. His thinking is, 'Hey, you wouldn't hit a guy with a c--- in his mouth, would ya?'" --Jon Stewart #JohnHulsecollectedpoems #Bernie2020 #repealreplacerepublicans

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