
Thursday, March 30, 2017

all bribe money has to be in a clear plastic bag (spying on evildoers)

"This week senators passed a limited ethics bill. It's something congress knows a lot about. Limited ethics. Some of the new rules are pretty tough, like from now on, all bribe money has to be in a clear plastic bag." --Jay Leno

"John McCain, on the other hand. He looks like the guy that walks up to the mound to settle down a young pitcher. John McCain looks like the guy who picks up his TV remote when the phone rings." --David Letterman

"How about the Democratic debate last night? How many folks saw the debate in Ohio? Hillary Clinton now is trailing Barack Obama and she's very desperate. Have you noticed this? She's starting to be desperate. Today she accused Barack Obama of attending a party at Jose Canseco's house." --David Letterman

"Bill Clinton's been getting in the way of Hillary's campaign. Can you believe that? She's really upset about it, so she's encouraged him to start dating again." --David Letterman

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