
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

JOKES: Has there ever been a president who hates America more? (Jefferson Davis)

Everyone watch the Super Bowl last night? Incredible. Full of surprises. The biggest comeback in Super Bowl history. Atlanta hasn’t been burned this badly since 1864. –Stephen Colbert
 The Falcons were running away with it. I almost turned it off. It was 28-3. Then in the third quarter, FBI Director James Comey announced he was opening an investigation into Matt Ryan’s emails. He claims it had no effect — I think it did. It rattled Ryan, clearly. –Stephen Colbert
The game is fun, but we all know everyone really tunes in for Bill O’Reilly’s interview with President Trump. Of course O’Reilly asked about the administration’s head coach, Vladimir Putin. [plays clip] O’Reilly: “Do you respect Putin?” Trump: “I do respect him.” O’Reilly: “Putin’s a killer.” Trump: “We've got a lot killers. What, do you think our country’s so innocent?” Ooh, I know that one: Yes! –Stephen Colbert
A president of the United States said, “You think our country’s so innocent?” Has there ever been a president who hates America more? I mean, besides Jefferson Davis. –Stephen Colbert

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