
Sunday, April 16, 2017

Which is why I gave over $80,000 to hookers (slavery leaves a mark)

"Let's hear him out [on screen: Spitzer saying, 'To whom much is given, much is expected']. Which is why I gave over $80,000 to hookers. I expected a lot from them. And then, of course, the big news [on screen: Spitzer saying, 'At Lieutenant Governor Paterson's request, the resignation will be effective Monday, March 17, a date that he believes will permit an orderly transition']. Really, the day you've chosen for the orderly transition is St. Patrick's Day. Do you think that's a good idea? Really? I'm beginning to wonder about this guy's judgment." --Jon Stewart

"The race for the Democratic nomination moved yesterday to Mississippi where Senator Barack Obama defeated Senator Clinton by 61% to 37%. Second win in a row for Obama. Clearly gaining momentum. Major night for his campaign [on screen: montage of news anchors and pundits saying Obama's win was expected]. There you have it, if the media isn't surprised something is going to happen, it does not count. Actually, there was one shocking result [on screen: FNC's Sean Hannity saying, 'Nine to one African-Americans vote for Barack Obama. 76% of the white voters go for Hillary. What are we to make of those two things?] That slavery leaves a mark." --Jon Stewart

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