
Sunday, April 16, 2017

his top legislative priority will be the death penalty for people who don't clean up after their dogs (one is my limit)

"On Monday, the lieutenant governor will take over. His name is David Patterson. He's African-American and legally blind. He'll be the first blind governor in the United States. He's already announced that his top legislative priority will be the death penalty for people who don't clean up after their dogs." --Jimmy Kimmel

"And so Eliot Spitzer headed to his midtown office to make the announcement while receiving what the networks now refer to as the full O.J. [on screen: video of Spitzer's car driving through Manhattan]. As you can see, the trip gave commentators ample time for analysis [on screen: a montage of news anchors commenting on the traffic in Manhattan]. So interesting to hear about. By the way, it's not really for me to judge, but if you are in the car with your wife on the way to resign from the state's highest office after facing prostitution allegations, I'd run that light. Shorten what I imagine would be a fairly awkward car ride. What's a ticket compared to what's been going on? $200 extra. I've heard that some prostitutes spend more than that on room service." --Jon Stewart

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