
Saturday, August 24, 2024

I guess he's saving up the personal days so he can skip the last three months of his presidency (That's why I'm not running for president)


"President Bush is beating the August heat the same way he always does -- with a vacation on his ranch in Texas. He got there yesterday. This will be his shortest vacation since he's taken office. Usually he takes a full month, this time around because of the wars and everything, only ten days. I guess he's saving up the personal days so he can skip the last three months of his presidency." --Jimmy Kimmel

Bill Clinton -- you have to believe he's loving this. One night a week, he's not the one she's bitching at. It got a little bit contentious tonight, a lot of controversy still about the photo somebody released of Obama wearing a turban. You know, they originally said Clinton's camp did it, and they said we didn't do it. If I was Barack Obama, I would have worn the turban to the debate tonight. That's why I'm not running for president." --Jimmy Kimmel

“A magisterial collection. A combination of Bukowski’s Last Night of the Earth

and Orwell’s 1984.”


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