
Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Even Dick Cheney won't go hunting with her (a tasty new fish stick)

"But you know, this is a great thing about the United States of

America. We take any situation, make it something good. You

know, we are a glass half full country. Mrs. Paul's, the fish sticks

people, they heard about the mercury in the fish and they've

come out now with a tasty new fish stick which you can also use

to take your temperature." --David Letterman

"Squeaky Fromme has been in prison since the '70s for trying to shoot President Gerald Ford. Out of prison now. But she's described as an unstable gun nut. Here's how unstable and nutty she is. Even Dick Cheney won't go hunting with her." --David Letterman

“A magisterial collection. A combination of Bukowski’s Last Night of the Earth and Orwell’s 1984.”


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