
Thursday, May 27, 2021

at the end of the game the rich flip over the board and yell, "I win!" (Democratic self-loathing has gotten so bad...)

October 2012

"So far for Halloween, sales of Obama masks are 30 percent higher than the sales of Mitt Romney masks. That makes sense. I mean, what's scarier than four more years of this economy?" –Jay Leno

"Tonight was the third and final presidential debate. The good news? Tonight was the third and final presidential debate." –Jay Leno

"The debates made it to three episodes. That makes it NBC's most successful show so far this season." –Jay Leno

"Today is the last presidential debate. It was moderated by newsman Bob Schieffer. I think he did a great job, but gave too much time to 'candidate you disagree with,' and he didn't let 'the guy who should be president' respond to those 'outrageous lies or important points, depending on your point of view.'" –Craig Ferguson

"Tonight is the third and final presidential debate between former Governor Mitt Romney and future former President Barack Obama. Now I'm TiVoing it, so nobody tell me whether the moderate or conservative Romney kicked the lethargic or energetic Obama's ass." –Stephen Colbert

"Democratic self-loathing has gotten so bad, they’ve changed their symbol … to Eeyore eating a whole cheesecake." –Stephen Colbert

"Oh please, Mr. President. Everyone plays by the same set of rules -- and at the end of the game the rich flip over the board and yell, "I win!" –Stephen Colbert 

“A magisterial collection. An emotional roller coaster. Soon to be a cult classic. 

A combination of Bukowski’s Last Night of the Earth and Orwell’s 1984.”


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