
Tuesday, May 12, 2020

teleworking from his home office on the 18th green at Mar-a-Lago (then died slipping on a banana peel)

“And yet, the president still refuses to wear a mask. Last week, he and Melania, both without masks, attended a ceremony for the 75th anniversary of victory in Europe which included several veterans in their 90s. Whatever Trump’s excuse was, I just hope all those veterans are safe. Because could you imagine surviving Hitler, only to be taken out by Trump? That would be so anticlimactic. It would be like if Batman beat Bane, and then died slipping on a banana peel.” —Trevor Noah

“Anywhere between one to two thousand Americans are dying every day from the coronavirus and yet rather than confront that reality, Trump is doing the only thing he knows, and that’s lying his way through it. He’s trying to dead-eye mind-trick Americans into thinking coronavirus will simply go away. For example, Trump told reporters on Friday that coronavirus would soon disappear, even without a vaccine, despite news that two White House staffers had tested positive and a letter from the White House management office encouraging staff to ‘practice maximum telework’ and to ‘work remotely if at all possible’. Well, that’s easy for Trump since he’s already spent the last three years teleworking from his home office on the 18th green at Mar-a-Lago. Think about that: the president is telling people to get back into the workforce while his own White House tells employees to stay home. One day he’s going to call a press conference to tell us that murder hornets are fake news while a dozen of them carry him back to their nest.” —Seth Meyers

“A magisterial collection. An emotional roller coaster. Soon to be a cult classic. 
A combination of Bukowski’s Last Night On Earth and Orwell’s 1984.”

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