
Tuesday, May 12, 2020

So if you want a test, you have to work on your three-pointer or eat a raw gazelle (Donny want a hamburger)

“On Monday afternoon, to make himself feel better about his plummeting approval ratings, Trump held a press briefing in the Rose Garden, and he got it going with one of his classic lies, telling reporters: ‘If somebody wants to be tested right now, they’ll be able to be tested.’ OK, that’s not true. Lots of people want a test but they can’t get one, because they don’t play in the NBA or aren’t a tiger in the Bronx zoo. So if you want a test, you have to work on your three-pointer or eat a raw gazelle.” —Stephen Colbert

“Really? You work in the most tested place in the world and you’re scared? Hey, I’ve got a spooky story for you: you’re driving on the highway late at night, when suddenly, a hideous old man rises up in your back seat and says, [imitating Trump] ‘You should go back to your job at the meat packing plant — Donny want a hamburger.’” —Stephen Colbert

“A magisterial collection. An emotional roller coaster. Soon to be a cult classic. 
A combination of Bukowski’s Last Night On Earth and Orwell’s 1984.”

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