
Thursday, December 14, 2023

No presidential family member in recent memory comes with as much baggies — uh, I mean, baggage (I am watching that show)

“No presidential family member in recent memory comes with as much baggies — uh, I mean, baggage — as Hunter, and now the law has finally caught up with him. ” — Kal Penn, The Daily Show

It’s shocking to think the presidential race might come down to who goes to jail first: Hunter Biden or Donald Trump. Although, maybe if we’re lucky, the two of them might end up in a cell together? Like, you throw George Santos in there, and I am watching that show. — Kal Penn

“The L.A. Dodgers signed superstar Shohei Ohtani to the biggest contract in all of sports history, $700 million. Wild, right? That is $1 for every minute it takes to watch one single baseball game.” — Kal Penn

“The Dodgers signed free agent Shohei Ohtani and will pay  him $700 million over the next 10 years. Hot dogs, from now on, will be priced at $500 apiece.” — Jimmy Kimmel

“And also, let me just say, it is so great that Asian kids have another athlete to look up to, am I right? But let’s acknowledge it’s also a lot of pressure: [imitating child] ‘Dad, I got 100 on my chemistry test.’ [imitating parent] ‘But only 80 on your fastball — go outside and practice!’” — Kal Penn

“A magisterial collection. A combination of Bukowski’s Last Night of the Earth 

and Orwell’s 1984.” 


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