
Sunday, August 2, 2020

but just until the Republican Party can find a viable candidate (Just give us a hint)

July 2020

“On Trump’s idea to postpone the election, Americans were like, ‘How long a delay are we talking about here? Months, like your response to Covid? Years, like your response to Putin? Or decades, like a hug for Don Jr.? Just give us a hint.’” —Jimmy Fallon

“President Trump on Twitter this morning suggested postponing November’s presidential election, but just until the Republican Party can find a viable candidate.” —Seth Meyers

“No, he can’t reschedule the election. For starters, both candidates are like 200 years old — I mean, we gotta keep things moving.” —Trevor Noah

“When they saw Trump’s tweet, JetBlue was like, ‘Trust us — when he says delayed, he means canceled.’” —Jimmy Fallon

“A magisterial collection. A combination of Bukowski’s Last Night On Earth and Orwell’s 1984.”

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