
Thursday, September 7, 2017

Hey! This is America! We measure things in Delawares.

Donald Trump did more things today. For instance, he traveled to North Dakota to talk tax reform. And by "talk tax reform," I mean rambled incoherently until they turned his mic off. –Stephen Colbert

As Trump so sensitively mentioned, Texas is still dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. And they will be for years. Meanwhile, another hurricane, Irma, is bearing down on Florida. It's the largest Atlantic hurricane ever reported. Experts say it's the size of France. Hey! This is America! We measure things in Delawares. –Stephen Colbert

Remember the 2016 campaign? If you really want to go back and relive every excruciating detail, good news — Hillary Clinton has a new book, "What Happened," which is better than the original title, "Anybody Wanna Buy a Barge Full of Unused Fireworks?" –Stephen Colbert #Bernie2020 #FeeltheBern #repealreplacerepublicans

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