
Thursday, September 7, 2017

Hurricane bad. Much wind, not good. Cheetah save (this guy definitely doesn't know)

President Trump broke with Republicans today and struck a deal with Democrats on a short-term extension of the debt ceiling. And you know what that means! No, you don't. Neither do I, and this guy [picture of Trump] definitely doesn't know. –Seth Meyers

Today President Trump said, "It looks like it could be something that will be not good." I have to say, when a natural disaster is bearing down on our country, it would be nice to hear from a leader who knows more words than Tarzan. Hurricane bad. Much wind, not good. Cheetah save. –Seth Meyers

When asked today if he is considering military action against North Korea, President Trump told reporters, "Certainly, that's not a first choice, but we will see what happens." Which is scary, because Trump doesn't usually go with his first choice. –Seth Meyers #Bernie2020 #FeeltheBern #repealreplacerepublicans

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