
Friday, November 3, 2023

Dick Cheney would turn his wolfhounds loose on the kids (That would be Abdullah W. Abdullah)

"In Afghanistan Abdullah Abdullah says he is pulling out of the race because he wants to spend more time with his wife, Paula Abdullah." –David Letterman

"Abdullah Abdullah may be out of the race, but they say in four years his idiot son will be on the ballot. That would be Abdullah W. Abdullah." –David Letterman

"They trick-or-treat down at the White House. And it's more, I guess it is more, it is more trick-or-treater friendly in this administration than it used to be during the Bush-Cheney administration. Remember what happened — the trick-or-treaters would come and then Dick Cheney would turn his wolfhounds loose on the kids." –David Letterman

“A magisterial collection. A combination of Bukowski’s Last Night of the Earth 

and Orwell’s 1984.”


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