
Sunday, April 16, 2017

Congressman Fidel Pol Pot Bin Hitler (Delightful Dismemberment of the Democratic Hopescape)

"Tonight, is Barack Obama a Muslim? I examine the facts and come up with a 'Yes' anyway. This race has gotten downright ugly. The Democratic Party is self-destructing like a ... the Democratic Party. Nothing else, nothing else eats itself quite so enthusiastically. So join me tonight as I celebrate the implosion of the American left in my new segment: [on screen: Democralypse Now, The Delightful Dismemberment of the Democratic Hopescape]. 

This week, Clinton advisor Geraldine Ferraro ripped Barack Obama to journalistic powerhouse the Daily Breeze, which covers the south bay area of Los Angeles and has a daily circulation of the people who find it on the bus. [on screen: clip of Ferraro saying Obama's lucky to be who he is]. That's right, Barack Obama is lucky to be who he is. He is lucky to be Barack Hussein Obama. 

His free ride is rivaled only by Congressman Fidel Pol Pot Bin Hitler. Ferraro has since resigned, but refused to apologize, and folks, there's no reason she should. Once you pass 70, you can say whatever you want about black people, and Chinamen. I can't wait." --Stephen Colbert

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