
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Why would you give a terrorist tainted piece of s--- to the United States military?

"Al Gore, environmentalist, former Veep, and the man who kept Ralph Nader from the presidency, is now a Nobel laureate. Clearly, a proud day for the former vice president. No matter what your political ideology, you have to acknowledge the spirit for which he earned the award 

[on screen: FNC's Steve Doocy asking, 'What do Al Gore, Yasir Arafat and that crazy Jimmy Carter have in common?']. 

They have banged Mitzi Gaynor when it meant something? No?! Oh, the peace prize. That's crazy, right? 

[on screen: conservative commentators on FNC saying Gore is overstating the consequences of global warming and is therefore, hysterical]. 

Yes, the person overreacting is Al Gore. I mean, if he's so into peace, why isn't he poor and miserable? 

[on screen: FNC's Sean Hannity asking if there is a double standard when Gore is flying in private jets]. 

Okay, no, because Al Gore's jet is a 100% solar power. Sorry ... it's not. Okay, you got him there. One for the Fox News host, but did Sean Hannity quit talking about the Nobel while he was ahead? Is the pope Hindu? 

[on screen: Hannity saying he would turn the award down because he doesn't 'want an award a terrorist has had']. 

Hey Sean, what would you do with the terrorist tainted piece of s---? 

[on screen: Hannity saying, 'I would give the award to the United States military']. 

Why would you give a terrorist tainted piece of s--- to the United States military? Sean Hannity hates the troops soooo much." --Jon Stewart #Bernie2020 #FeeltheBern #repealreplacerepublicans

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