
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Blah, Blah, Flag, Kickass, Jesus!

"There is something indicative about his character because it seems like Mitt Romney was kind of a bully. This was not the only bullying thing he did. He also took poor kids' lunch money – oh, I'm sorry, that's his present-day economic policy." –Bill Maher

"The head of the RNC Reince Priebus attacked Democrats today for worshipping Hollywood movie stars. And then he went outside and turned on the lights on the big 50-foot statue of Ronald Reagan." –Bill Maher

"New Rule: The columnist for the right-wing Washington Times who suggested this week that Obama is a racist for not mentioning the death of one of the Beastie Boys because he was white, must be promoted to Fox News. That is such a spectacular piece of hackery I can't believe Sean Hannity didn't think of it first. It should win a reverse Pulitzer. You, sir, deserve  the right-wing trifecta: a gig on Fox, an AM radio show, and a deal for a shitty book called 'Scum: How Liberals Something, Something, Ruined America, Blah, Blah, Flag, Kickass, Jesus.'" –Bill Maher

John Hulse painting  

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