
Friday, September 15, 2017

They're going to carve that into his library (That was some weird ****)

President Trump is actually getting a lot of praise for his response to Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. He's getting some praise. Here's the thing, though. You know, it's not a good sign for your presidency when the best thing that happens to you is two hurricanes. –Conan O’Brien

Anyone go out and buy Hillary Clinton's book yet? Everyone is talking about it. She has some pretty interesting revelations in that book. Hillary Clinton in her book said that after Trump's inauguration speech, George W. Bush told her, "That was some weird ****." That's true. It's being called the most eloquent statement ever made by George W. Bush. I can't believe he said that. They're going to carve that into his library. On the wall. –Conan O’Brien #Bernie2020 #FeeltheBern #repealreplacerepublicans

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