
Sunday, April 16, 2017

unless of course somebody has $4,000 and is into role playing (It's a good song)

"The big news today that we need to discuss, the identity of Governor Eliot Spitzer's prostitute has been revealed. The prostitute that Eliot Spitzer had his affair with is apparently a young woman from New Jersey. When asked why she slept with New York's ex-governor, she said, 'Because New Jersey's ex-governor is into guys.'" --Conan O'Brien

"It turns out the call girl linked to Eliot Spitzer is also, this is true, an R B singer, and she said in an interview that her latest song was inspired by a guy. Yeah. She didn't say which guy, but the song is called, 'Bald Creepy Governor.' It's a good song." --Conan O'Brien

"She did an interview, in an interview the call girl linked to Spitzer said that she doesn't want to be thought of as a monster. Does not want to be thought of as a monster, she said unless of course somebody has $4,000 and is into role playing." --Conan O'Brien

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