
Saturday, September 9, 2017

you know what $700 billion buys? It can buy you 100 senators and 435 congressmen

Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon gave an odd interview to Charlie Rose where he criticized the Catholic Church, saying they had been terrible on the issue of immigration and that they need illegal aliens to fill their churches. This is just in case you had any doubt that Steve Bannon is literally the Antichrist. –James Corden

Now in the same interview he referred to himself as Donald Trump's wing man. I don't know. Steve Bannon as Donald Trump's wing man? Can you imagine sitting in a bar, someone sends you a drink. You look over and it's these two [shows pic of grinning Trump and Bannon]. You're like, “No, send it back! Send it back!” –James Corden
"You know, the interesting thing is, these numbers are so big that people can't even comprehend them. Like $700 billion. See, the best way to understand large amounts of money is to think of it in terms of what it can buy. For example, you know what $700 billion buys? It can buy you 100 senators and 435 congressmen." --Jay Leno #Bernie2020 #FeeltheBern #repealreplacerepublicans

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