
Saturday, September 9, 2017

oh God, it's a trap, why is the door locked, help! (holding a sword and riding a lion)

We have some surprising news out of the White House. Because yesterday, Democrats proposed something to Donald Trump, and — you're not going to believe this — he actually agreed with them. Donald Trump went against his own party and sided with Democrats in a deal to raise the debt ceiling. And because it's Trump, the debt ceiling will not only be raised, it will also be covered in gold leaf. And feature a tasteless painting of Donald Trump holding a sword and riding a lion. –James Corden

Trump was actually agreeing with the Democrats. They must have been suspicious of this. They must have been in the Oval Office, like, “This is easy. Maybe a bit TOO easy — oh God, it's a trap, why is the door locked, help!” –James Corden #Bernie2020 #FeeltheBern #repealreplacerepublicans

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