
Saturday, December 15, 2018

losing a sock at the laundromat (shoving menus under everyone’s door)

It's a big week here in the United States. Chinese President Jiang Zemin is visiting. It's a historic trip, and today as a matter of fact he's down there in Washington. President Jiang has got a very hectic schedule. He's meeting with President Clinton, he's addressing Congress, he's going on a tour of the Pentagon and he's shoving menus under everyone’s door. --David Letterman 10/29/1997
There was a big stock market crash on Monday. It was reported that Bill Gates, the the president of Microsoft, the man who invented toner for the copy machines. Well anyway this guy is like a multi billionaire. This guy, because of the stock market tumble on Monday he lost over a billion dollars in one day. Let me put this in perspective for you. Bill Gates losing over a billion dollars, to you and me that's the equivalent of us losing a sock at the laundromat. It’s about the same. --David Letterman 10/29/1997 “A magisterial collection. An emotional roller coaster. Soon to be a cult classic. A combination of Bukowski’s Last Night On Earth and Orwell’s 1984.”

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